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Knowledge Articles

  • Dispatch Targets

    Description: Dispatch Targets

    Keywords: Dispatch, Targets, Resource, Online, Start Up, Start, UDS, RT, Real Time, MinRun, Minimum Run

    Views: 396


    Published On: Dec 4, 2023

  • Minimum Run Time

    Description: Minimum Run Time for Resources within MISO

    Keywords: Minimum Run, Min Run, Resource, Generator, Online, Scheduled, Start, Sync

    Views: 309


    Published On: Oct 13, 2023

  • Resource Minimum Down Time

    Description: Minimum Down Time for Resources within MISO

    Keywords: Minimum Down Time, Resource, Real-Time, Online, Offline, Operating Parameters, Owner, Submit

    Views: 96


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Resource Operating Control Modes

    Description: Resource Operating Control Mode

    Keywords: Resource, Operating, Control Mode, Generator, Unit

    Views: 618


    Published On: Oct 9, 2023

  • Market System Enhancement (MSE)

    Description: multi-year program is to transform our current platform into a flexible, upgradeable and secure system that will meet those needs.

    Keywords: MSE, Initiatives.

    Views: 129


    Published On: Nov 3, 2023

  • JOU Units in 2 Markets

    Description: Can I have a JOU unit registered in 2 Balancing Authorities and not subject to the Pseudo Tie Agreement?

    Keywords: Pseudo, tie,FFF,model,network

    Views: 248


    Published On: Oct 19, 2023

  • How to Access MISO's Operator Interface

    Description: Steps to get access to MISO's Operator Interface, both CCE and PROD

    Keywords: Operations, Operator, Operator Interface, MCS, MISO Communication System

    Views: 861


    Published On: May 16, 2024

  • Operator Interface FAQ

    Description: Questions and answers for questions regarding the move from MCS to Operator Interface

    Keywords: Operations, Operator Interface, FAQ

    Views: 482


    Published On: Jul 16, 2024

  • How to Enable Sound in Operator Interface or MCS

    Description: How to enable sound in Chrome web browser

    Keywords: Operations, Operator Interface, OI, MCS, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Sound

    Views: 379


    Published On: Jan 29, 2024

  • Operating Plan Submittal FAQs

    Description: Learn how and when to submit operating plans to MISO for review.

    Keywords: Operations, Emergency Operating Plan, EOP, System Restoration Plan, SRP, Geo-Magnetic Disturbance Plan, GMD

    Views: 500


    Published On: Jul 17, 2024

  • How to Transfer a Load

    Description: This article takes the owner and new owner through the steps of transferring a load and what each is responsible for.

    Keywords: Generation, Generation and Interchange, OASIS, NITS, Load, Transfer, Start Date, End Date

    Views: 84


    Published On: Jan 18, 2024

  • Dispatchable Intermittent Resource Expectations

    Description: This article defines how a Dispatchable Intermittent Resource (DIR) is expected to respond when called upon by MISO.

    Keywords: Operations, Dispatchable Intermittent Resource, DIR, Expectations, Respond

    Views: 311


    Published On: May 16, 2024

  • What do you do if you are unable to access Solomon

    Description: What do you do if you are unable to access Solomon

    Keywords: EMS, Application, Solomon, access, solmon, solomon, solman

    Views: 33


    Published On: Apr 25, 2024

  • Does MISO provide any examples of state estimator files at are not CEII protected?

    Description: Does MISO provide any examples of state estimator files at are not CEII protected?

    Keywords: state estimator, CEII

    Views: 47


    Published On: Apr 25, 2024

  • Outage Exemptions Q and A

    Description: Additional information around Outage Exemptions and how they affect resource accreditation in Planning Resource Auction.

    Keywords: Operations, Outage Exemption, MME, TRE, Maintenance Margin, CROW Ticket

    Views: 4


    Published On: Jul 19, 2024