Why is MISO implementing this flag?
The increasing difference in magnitude between modeled flows in Unit Dispatch System (UDS) and actual flows is resulting in System Operation Limit (SOL) violations, balancing issues and frequency deviations. Out-of-market actions by operators to address these issues are causing us to deviate from market design principles. Stakeholders have expressed a desire to assist with reliability, but existing ICCP points left it unclear when there was reliability risk.
What is the Uninstructed Deviation Enhancement Flag?
It is two New ICCP setpoints that go to all Generation Resources, except Electric Storage resources (ESR). One point is to dispatch down. The second one is the reason code.
Is this change effecting only Dispatchable Intermittent Resources?
No, this change if needed for ALL generation resources except ESR.
What do generation owners need to do?
You will need to set up the new ICCP setpoints and make sure your system can then provide the message to your units. Depending upon your setup this may be through SCADA or your Energy Management System.
What are the UDE Flag and reason codes?
UDE Flag = 0
Generation Resource does not have significant Generation Shift Factor (GSF) for an active constraint.
A DIR, using the MISO Forecast, may generate above Setpoint without penalty.
UDE Flag = 1
Generation Resource does have significant GSF for an active constraint or is bound by an Operating Instruction.
A DIR Setpoint will typically be less than ecomax.
Do we need to respond differently depending on the reason code we receive?
No. The UDE Flag itself should be what is driving unit response. The reason codes are informational in nature and provide insight into the UDE Flag setting. The reason codes will also be used in future evaluation for changes to market settlement rules around uninstructed deviation.
For More Information:
MSC Presentation