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Under our tariff and business practices, MISO does not allow a single resource, or a portion of a single resource, to be modeled and registered in an external market while also participating in MISO’s market.  This “dual” participation would create uncertainty in our reliability processes, unit commitment processes, as well as introduce a number of modeling complexities.

This type of proposed arrangement is prohibited under our pseudo tie agreement rules as noted in Attachments FFF-1 and FFF-2. 

We have pulled the relevant language below:
The Company may not Pseudo-tie the same portion of the Facility into different Balancing Authorities. The Company must ensure that the Facility injections into MISO do not exceed the MW limits registered and modeled in MISO. In the event that injections of energy from the Facility into MISO exceed the MW limit registered and modeled in the MISO Network Model, the Company forfeits any revenues that could be derived from the injection that exceeds the MW limit registered and modeled in the MISO Network Model. Any injections from the Facility into MISO that exceed the limit registered and modeled will be considered a material breach of this Agreement pursuant to section 22 below. 3. Metering.
Published Date: Dec 20, 2024
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