A Dispatchable Intermittent Resource (DIR) operating in the MISO Market is expected to follow the MISO Target Dispatch (TDIS) value when being dispatched down for congestion management. The following are examples of what should occur in each scenario. 

If UNIT ECOMAX=MISO TDIS - The unit can produce whatever MW value it is capable of in real time, even if exceeding the MISO TDIS signal.  

If UNIT ECOMAX > MISO TDIS - Unit follows the MISO TDIS value in real time. A MISO Operating Instruction is NOT required to follow this dispatch signal. 

These expectations are outlined in MISO Public Procedure SO-P-NOP-02 - MISO Market Resource Operations:

- 3.1.2 Excessive Deficient Energy Deployment Charges
- Dispatchable Intermittent Resources (DIRs) are not evaluated for EXE/DFE when using MISO forecast, unless dispatched below that forecast value. 

- 3.3.4 Resource Not Following Setpoint - For DIRs when the Forecast Max is greater than Actual Output capability of the Resources, the delta will not cause a DIR to be taken Off Control. 
A. IF Resource is a DIR and is using a MISO forecast, THEN SUBMIT an ITOC Ticket assigned to the Operations Risk Assessment Team to investigate the forecast issue. 
B. IF the DIR uses a Self-Supplied forecast, the INSTRUCT the MP to contact their Forecast vendor for correction.
C. Forecast Max is used in other tools in MISO's processes to show MISO's total available capacity.
D. Unless the DIR is being dispatched down or is under MRD or CAP, it is assumed that the Resource will be operating at Forecast Max.
The MISO Reliability Coordinator may also take additional actions beyond the TDIS< ECOMAX function to help protect the reliability of the Bulk Electric System. 

-3.4.1 Reliability Parameter Adjustments
MISO RC reserves the right to limit a Resource's parameters based on reliability assessment of system conditions and corrective actions necessary to alleviate adverse system conditions. Some actions may include, but are not limited to, MRD, CAP and Ancillary Services dispatch status qualification.  

Upon receipt of an MRD or CAP Operating Instruction, MP shall IMMEDIATELY move the Resource to MRD dispatch targets or within the CAP limitation. 

This expectation is outlined in the MISO Tariff Module C - 40.3.4.a ii - Dispatchable Intermittent Resource Tolerance Band

If the DIR is unable to operate at the Forecast Max, such as in the event of a mechanical failure or maintenance, then a derate should be entered into CROW.

3.4.2 Unit Derates - CROW Ticket Derate
The expectation is the unit will NOT exceed the derate limit, unless testing capability to remove the derate. In this case, please call the MISO G&I Desk to request test approval from the MISO Reliability Coordinator and an Off Control Flag for the unit for the testing period.

This will provide the necessary awareness for MISO to monitor potential congestion and provide additional instruction to the unit if necessary.

Once the CROW Derate has been removed, the unit can return to normal dispatch operations as outlined above. 
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