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Knowledge Articles

  • Day Ahead Interchange Schedule

    Description: Market Participants and Day Ahead interchange schedule process.

    Keywords: Day Ahead, Interchange, Schedule, Tag, E-tag, Adjust, Adjustment

    Views: 1011


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Independent Market Monitor (IMM) Operating Cost Survey

    Description: The Independent Market Monitor requests that new Market Participants complete a cost survey. This survey also applies when Market Participants add to, or c

    Keywords: Independent Market Monitor, IMM, Operating Cost Survey

    Views: 320


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Minimum Run Time

    Description: Minimum Run Time for Resources within MISO

    Keywords: Minimum Run, Min Run, Resource, Generator, Online, Scheduled, Start, Sync

    Views: 309


    Published On: Oct 13, 2023

  • Market System Enhancement (MSE)

    Description: multi-year program is to transform our current platform into a flexible, upgradeable and secure system that will meet those needs.

    Keywords: MSE, Initiatives.

    Views: 129


    Published On: Nov 3, 2023

  • MISO Forward Report

    Description: 3 Ds, De-Marginalization, Digitalization, Decentralization

    Keywords: IR, Integrated Roadmap, 3 Ds, De-Marginalization, Digitalization, Decentralization, Initiatives

    Views: 174


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Virtuals in DA Ex Ante vs. Ex Post

    Description: Day Ahead Settlements

    Keywords: Virtual, Ex Ante, Ex Post, Day Ahead, Settlements, ELMP, Make Whole Payment

    Views: 1241


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Redefining Energy and Ancillary Services Market

    Description: Market Redefinition, introduces a framework for wholesale market evolution.

    Keywords: Initiatives, ASM, Reliability Imperative, Strategy, Value Prop

    Views: 151


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Market Settlement Disputes and Discrepancy

    Description: How do I open a case for a Settlements discrepancy?

    Keywords: Market Settlements, dispute, discrepancy

    Views: 371


    Published On: Jul 1, 2024

  • Market Settlement Dispute Timeline

    Description: What is the timeline for submitting a Settlements Dispute?

    Keywords: Market Settlements, dispute, discrepancy

    Views: 220


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • FTR Underfunding

    Description: Can MISO please tell us what caused the FTR underfunding --this month ?

    Keywords: FTR, Financial Transmission Rights, Underfunding, Shortfalls

    Views: 547


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • JOU Units in 2 Markets

    Description: Can I have a JOU unit registered in 2 Balancing Authorities and not subject to the Pseudo Tie Agreement?

    Keywords: Pseudo, tie,FFF,model,network

    Views: 248


    Published On: Oct 19, 2023

  • New Market Participant Resources

    Description: Find resources for new Market Participants, including onboarding documents.

    Keywords: Market Participant, MP, New, Onboarding, Resources

    Views: 469


    Published On: May 6, 2024

  • Non-MISO Transaction Bulletin Board

    Description: Accessing the Non-MISO Transaction Bulletin Board

    Keywords: PRA, Capacity, Market, ZRC, Zonal Resource Credit, Reserves, Energy, Contracts, Bilateral, Replacement

    Views: 650


    Published On: Dec 1, 2023

  • Electric Storage Resources FAQ

    Description: FAQs for Electric Storage Resource implementation

    Keywords: Resource Adequacy, ESR, Electric Storage Resource, electric storage, battery, battery storage

    Views: 4360


    Published On: Jul 22, 2024

  • DART MUI Documentation

    Description: Reference for Known issues, current state, and upcoming changes.

    Keywords: Market User Interface Portal Day Ahead Real Time

    Views: 1126


    Published On: Jan 23, 2024

  • Timing of Posting LMP for Real-Time Market

    Description: Timing of posting ExAnte and ExPost LMPS for Real-Time Market

    Keywords: Real-Time Market, LMP, Posting, ExAnte, ExPost

    Views: 244


    Published On: Mar 4, 2024