Knowledge Articles

  • Add/Update Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Contact

    Description: MDMAs may add contact information for a new metering agent through the MDMA Change of Information Page.

    Keywords: MDMA, Change Contact, Meter Data, Agent,

    Views: 122


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Virtuals in DA Ex Ante vs. Ex Post

    Description: Day Ahead Settlements

    Keywords: Virtual, Ex Ante, Ex Post, Day Ahead, Settlements, ELMP, Make Whole Payment

    Views: 1241


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Market Settlement Disputes and Discrepancy

    Description: How do I open a case for a Settlements discrepancy?

    Keywords: Market Settlements, dispute, discrepancy

    Views: 371


    Published On: Jul 1, 2024

  • Market Settlement Dispute Timeline

    Description: What is the timeline for submitting a Settlements Dispute?

    Keywords: Market Settlements, dispute, discrepancy

    Views: 220


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • FTR Underfunding

    Description: Can MISO please tell us what caused the FTR underfunding --this month ?

    Keywords: FTR, Financial Transmission Rights, Underfunding, Shortfalls

    Views: 547


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Missing 5 Minute LMPs

    Description: Hourly average LMPs are computed to be the time-weighted average of 5-minute interval Real- Time Ex-Post LMPs

    Keywords: Intervals, hourly bus, lmps

    Views: 214


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • New Market Participant Resources

    Description: Find resources for new Market Participants, including onboarding documents.

    Keywords: Market Participant, MP, New, Onboarding, Resources

    Views: 469


    Published On: May 6, 2024

  • Schedule 10

    Description: When is Schedule 10 Forecast and FERC Assessment Fee Calculation get posted?

    Keywords: Sched 10, Settlements, General Ledger

    Views: 217


    Published On: Aug 2, 2022

  • Schedule 26 A charge

    Description: recalculate the Schedule 26 A charge

    Keywords: Transmission Settlements, Market Settlements, Sched 26A, MNAEW

    Views: 221


    Published On: Dec 28, 2022

  • Grandfathered Agreements (GFA) Expiring

    Description: How to expire a GFA

    Keywords: FTR, Grandfathered Agreements, Carved Out

    Views: 380


    Published On: May 6, 2024

  • Market Settlements Statement Request

    Description: Used to capture the details required for providing statements that have rolled off the portal.

    Keywords: Market Settlements, Statements,

    Views: 431


    Published On: Apr 1, 2024

  • LMP Price Corrections for Implementation Errors

    Description: How long after prices are published can MISO revise LMP prices for Implementation Errors

    Keywords: Settlements, LMP, Price Correction, Implementation Errors, OASIS

    Views: 104


    Published On: Jan 11, 2024