Knowledge Articles

  • Day-Ahead Market Timetable

    Description: Day Ahead Schedule

    Keywords: Day Ahead Market, Timeline, Market Close

    Views: 2489


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Missing 5 Minute LMPs

    Description: Hourly average LMPs are computed to be the time-weighted average of 5-minute interval Real- Time Ex-Post LMPs

    Keywords: Intervals, hourly bus, lmps

    Views: 214


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Timing of Posting LMP for Real-Time Market

    Description: Timing of posting ExAnte and ExPost LMPS for Real-Time Market

    Keywords: Real-Time Market, LMP, Posting, ExAnte, ExPost

    Views: 244


    Published On: Mar 4, 2024