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Knowledge Articles

  • Ad Hoc Generator Transfer process

    Description: Process allows for generation asset transfer outside of usual commercial model update cycle.

    Keywords: Generator, Transfer, Model, Modeling, Ad Hoc, Register, Registration

    Views: 214


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • Pseudo-Tie Generation or Load

    Description: Pseudo-tying generation or load can be a complex process involving several groups at MISO.

    Keywords: Pseudo-Tie, Generation, Load, Seam, Seams, Model, Modeling, Register, Registration

    Views: 557


    Published On: Dec 12, 2023

  • JOU Units in 2 Markets

    Description: Can I have a JOU unit registered in 2 Balancing Authorities and not subject to the Pseudo Tie Agreement?

    Keywords: Pseudo, tie,FFF,model,network

    Views: 248


    Published On: Oct 19, 2023

  • AD HOC Transfer for ICCP

    Description: MISO has indicative dates for ICCP transfers

    Keywords: ICCP, adhoc,wan,scada

    Views: 243


    Published On: Mar 4, 2024

  • Model Manager Commercial Model Training

    Description: New Training Available for Model Manager

    Keywords: Model Manager, Commercial Model,

    Views: 502


    Published On: Apr 1, 2024

  • Help Center Guide to Submit Requests for Access to Restricted Content

    Description: Extranet, Citrix, Member Delivered Applications, Model-On-Demand, ShareFile, Access

    Keywords: Applications, Model-On-Demand, ShareFile, Access, MTEP, ShareFile, PROMOD, BAC, TOCTT, 881, MUG, OPSUG, RASUG, RCTT, ROWG, SOLTT, TPLATT, WAMSUG, Flowgate, Generation Interconnection, Member Drills, Reliability Authority, Restricted, Access

    Views: 10528


    Published On: Jun 17, 2024

  • Non Topology vs Topology

    Description: TOPO vs Non-TOPO

    Keywords: Commercial Model, Topology

    Views: 81


    Published On: Feb 2, 2024

  • LBA Contacts for Primary and Secondary Modelers

    Description: How to get contact list of Primary and Secondary Commerical and Network Model LBA Contacts.

    Keywords: Model, Network, Commercial, LBA, Contact

    Views: 86


    Published On: Mar 18, 2024