

The MISO Help Center provides customers with several self-service capabilities. Including the ability to submit cases to MISO for requests to content that is restricted to authorized users, only.   


This document describes the processes for submitting Request for Access to Restricted Content cases to MISO.

As previously stated, these requests are for access to content that is restricted to authorized users, only. Different requirements may apply, depending on the access requested. However, at the bare minimum, users must:

  1. Have an active login account for the MISO Help Center
    1. If you do not have an active login account, you can request one by completing the Request Help Center Access form.
      b. MISO will send you an invitation code when your request for access has been received. You will need to redeem the invitation code and complete profile set up before you are able to submit a case. 
  2. Have authorization, from the account doing business with MISO, on whose behalf the access is being requested.
    1. Proof of authorization is provided by way of being listed on the Appendix A of the Universal Non-Disclosure Agreement (UNDA) for the account associated with the request.
      1. If you are not currently listed, you must contact the appropriate parties with the account, to be added to the UNDA, Appendix A and to have the updated documentation sent to MISO.
  3. Have a signed Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) UNDA on file with MISO.


Further restrictions may apply, based on the account’s association with MISO and/or the Appendix A employee function of the requestor.

Account Restrictions

  • The Account, on whose behalf, the content is being requested MUST be one of the following:
    • Generator Interconnection Customer
    • MISO Market Participant
    • MISO Non-Market Participant
      • MISO Local Balancing Authority
      • MISO Transmission Owner
      • MISO Transmission Operator
    • MISO Member
    • Neighboring Reliability Coordinator
    • Neighboring Transmission Operator
    • Neighboring Transmission Planner
    • Sector Member

UNDA, Appendix A Employee Functions

There are three types of employee functions one can be listed as, on a UNDA Appendix A:
  • Merchant/Market
  • Transmission/Reliability
  • N/A
Some content is restricted to specific employee functions.

Submitting a Case to Request Access to Restricted Content

  1. Sign In
  2. Click “My Support”
Graphical user interface, text, application<br><br>Description automatically generated
  1. Click “OPEN A NEW CASE”
Graphical user interface, text, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated
  1. Confirm your Contact Details
  2. Select an Account
  1. Select “Request Access to Restricted Content” as the Category
Graphical user interface, text, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated
  1. Select the desired Type, Sub-type, and Change Type, as applicable. Based on your selection, you may be presented with additional fields to complete:
TypeSub-typeChange TypeAdditional Fields
Request Extranet AccessRequest Closed Committees AccessRequest BAC Access• Attestation Authorization
  Request Other Closed Committees Access• Select the desired committees
  Request TOCTT Access• Attestation Authorization
 Request Flowgate Information N/A
 Request Generation Interconnection (GI) Facilities Studies Access • J Project #
• Business Justification
• Request DPP File Access?
 Request Maps (MTEP, Transmission and Operations Maps) Access N/A
 Request Member Drills (formerly PSR Drill) Access N/A
 Request Models Access N/A
 Request Reliability Authority (RA) Access • Attestation Authorization
Request Members Delivered Applications AccessRequest Account Renewal • Transmission/Reliability function employee?
• Members Delivered Application Access Areas
• Current Members Delivered Applications ID
 Request New Account • Transmission/Reliability function employee?
• Members Delivered Application Access Areas
 Request Password Reset • Transmission/Reliability function employee?
• Members Delivered Application Access Areas
• Current Members Delivered Applications ID
Request Model-On-Demand (MOD) Access  • MOD Request Form Submitted?
• Company's MOD Security Officer
Request ShareFile AccessRequest Economic Model (PROMOD) Access - new - PROMOD access is limited to TOs, Consultants and MPs that are on the PROMOD sharing list. 
- Have their name on the Appendix A of the NDA and CEII on file. 
- Have a PROMOD Software license
- If you are not on the sharing list you need a PROMOD Three-Party NDA

 Request MISO Transmission Expansion Planning (MTEP) AccessRequest CTA ShareFile Access• MISO Study Number
  Request MTEP Access• Current MTEP Site Login ID
• MTEP ShareFile Folder Requested
• MISO Expansion Planning Study Number
Restricted Content Access Inquiries  N/A
  1. Complete all required fields, as denoted by a red asterisk
  2. Click the Submit button, at the bottom of the page
Graphical user interface, text, application, email<br><br>Description automatically generated
  1. On the subsequent screen, you can add any necessary files by clicking “ADD FILES”
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