Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) FAQ

Existing Knowledge Articles
FTR Underfunding
Establishing Account Relationships
New Market Participant Resources
Grandfathered Agreements (GFA) expiring
Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) and Sub-Accounts
How do I know my bids are submitted?

What is the FTR position collateral workbook and where can I find it?
MISO distributes an "FTR Auction Exposure.xlsx" workbook for market participants. The workbook allows the user to enter data for their FTR positions along with Tariff-specified minimum bid requirements. MISO has validated the calculations in the workbook, but Market Participants are responsible for entering the data in accordance with the Tariff. A copy of the workbook is posted on the MISO public website under Markets and Operations > ARR and FTR Market > Guides and References >Other Reference Documents. 

What was the cause of FTR underfunding for (the month in question)?

FTR underfunding question is addressed in a knowledge article (KA-01198).

FTR funding and drivers are covered in the monthly Market Subcommittee meetings that are open to all Market Participants. In this forum, further information and details can be requested to maintain transparency amongst Market Participants. Refer to the MISO website for meeting materials and connection information.: Market Subcommittee (

What is the timeframe on when we can expect to see the Stage 2 payment values?
Due to data transfer dependencies the earliest this data is available is a few days after the results of Round 3 of the Annual Auction posting, but no later than June 1st.

How can we calculate ARR Stage 2 Payments?
Stage 2 dollars are distributed to Stage 2 MW holders using the remainder of FTR annual auction revenue after ARRs are funded. Stage 2 MW holders receive a portion of the total Stage 2 dollars based on their pro-rata share of Stage 2 MWs. Stage 2 MWs are known at the conclusion of the yearly ARR allocation, and the total amount of Stage 2 dollars are known at the end of the annual FTR auction.

To calculate an estimate of the MP’s Stage 2 payment, the customer needs two pieces of information: their Stage 2 ARR MWs and the total Stage 2 revenue available.

  • Log into the MUI
  • Navigate to Downloads > Private
  • Download the “Stage 2 ARRs” file
  • Navigate to
  • Navigate to Markets and Operations > Market Reports > FTR > Annual Allocation Summary (zip)
  • Download the latest allocation summary file
  • From the MUI Private download, open the “STAGE_2_ARR.csv” file
  • Filter for the appropriate months (the FTR planning year runs from June through May)
  • From the allocation summary download, open the “YYYY Stage 2 Residual.xlsx” file
  • The percentage column in the Stage 2 ARR file represents the pro-rata portion of the dollars to be paid from the amount available in the Stage 2 Residual file for the corresponding season and time-of-use.

Note: The “percentage” value must be divided by 100 before multiplying times Stage 2 dollars

How can I confirm my portfolio has been submitted?
Submissions are confirmed submitted when both the “Status” column has a green checkmark and the “Credit Status” columns green checkmark.

Is there any method to setup a notification email in the FTR MUI when submissions are entered, retracted, or deleted?
MISO does not have this capability currently.

Is it possible for MISO to extend the CCE environment for testing purposes?
Usually, it is. MISO provides the CCE environment for data submission testing purposes (i.e. –testing upload capabilities). All MPs should have proper access, otherwise contact IT Support. Please remember to check the upper right-hand corner of the screen after logging in. It shows what environment you are in. If you receive an ‘access denied’ error message it could be that the certificate needs updated. Contact the MISO FTR Market Administration team to make the request to extend the submission period window.

MISO posts ‘Sensitivities of binding constraints with respect to Nominations/Bids’ in the MUI > Downloads > Private Download > Market Result tab. Does MISO implement a sensitivity cutoff?
The clearing engine does not have a sensitivity cutoff value. However, the Market Result files implement a 1% cutoff for reporting purposes.  

I find the definition of SINK2.LD is not consistent between different auctions and the DA and RT markets. Could you please help me understand what's happening here?
CPNode definitions may change with the quarterly model update process. The adjustments are based on the activities of the Commercial Model. Market Participants submit periodic changes, which may have an effect on outstanding FTRs’ source or sink. This Remapping of CPNode names is found on the public website under Markets and Operations > ARR and FTR Market > Documents > CP Node Mapping.

Does the Market Participant have to post all credit that will be used in all 3 rounds of the Annual Auction prior to Credit Requirements Deadline date?
Yes, the credit submission deadline is for all the three rounds of the Annual Auction. For additional information the MP can refer to Attachment L (Section IV B and C) of the MISO Tariff.

Where can I find information on MISO’s modeling practices?
MISO publishes the ARR/FTR Modeling Practices procedure on the public website under Markets and Operations > ARR and FTR Market > Guides and References > Other Reference Documents

Can FTRs obtained through self-scheduling in the annual auction be sold in the monthly FTR auctions? For them to be sold, does a separate market buyer have to purchase them.
Yes – any FTR can be sold in the monthly FTR auctions. Participants buy from and sell to the available “pool” of FTR system capacity. No direct FTR trades occur between sellers and buyers in the FTR Auction.

What is the process for transferring FTRs?
The MISO FTR secondary trading market is a bilateral trading system that facilitates the trading of existing FTRs between market participants using a bulletin board system, which is resident in the MISO FTR system. The Secondary Market allows trading of existing FTRs only. ARRs cannot be traded on the secondary market. See Section 9 –Trade in Secondary Market in the FTR_MUI_UserManual.pdf at > Markets and Operations > ARR and FTR Market > Guides and References > Other Reference Documents for more details.

FTR Transfer on Secondary Market Task List

  • Log in to MUI
  • Download existing FTRs
  • Go to Secondary Market > Offer tab
  • Create upload file for sell offer based on existing FTRs
  • Navigate to Offer > My Sell Request
  • Upload > Choose File > Upload File
  • Save and Save
  • Navigate to Response > Respond to Sell Offer
  • Download All Offers
  • Update AO field to (desired AO)
  • Upload file and Save
  • Download existing FTRs and verify the change
Additional Information
  • When a Secondary Market transaction takes place – a new FTR ID will be generated for the FTR
  • Both sending and Receiving parties need to act on the request within the same day otherwise the data will be deleted by the software at midnight
  • Applicable credit requirements must be satisfied
  • Can generate a template (with headers included) by clicking on the download button
  • The Request ID is automatically generated by the system when the offer data is uploaded

MISO publishes a list of 'Monitored Lines and Transformers' and 'Nomograms'. Monitored Lines and Transformers' - How does MISO decide which lines and transformer be part of the list?
All lines and transformers are derived from the Network Model based on BPM 010 – Network and Commercial Models. Mainly see Sections 5.2 and 5.3, but the entire Business Practices Manual should answer many questions.

See also MO-OP-019 MISO ARR/FTR Modeling Practices, Section 5.1

Where can I find instructions on how to enter FTR bids?

Instructions on entering FTR bids can be found in Section 8 – Manage FTR Bids in the FTR_MUI_UserManual.pdf at > Markets and Operations > ARR and FTR Market > Guides and References > Other Reference Documents

Does MISO post bidding data from FTR auctions?

MISO posts all bids with a 90-day lag. They are available on the public website under Markets and Operations > Market Reports > FTR > Multi-Period Monthly FTR Auction Bids and Offers (zip)

Can you explain the procedure for the ARR registration load shift?
There is a knowledge article available that covers this topic. ARR Entitlement Adjustments associated with ARR Registration Load Shift Template. 

Is there an ARR Registration Load Shift Template?

Is historical FTR data available, if so for how long?
MISO has four years of data available on the MISO public website. If you are looking for FTR ID Mapping or CPNode Mapping files a fifth year may be available upon request. 


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