Background Information

The MISO ARR registration load shift template should be submitted as soon as possible prior to the effective date and is located on the ARR and FTR Market > Guides and References > Other Reference Documents on the public website. It should include the Market Participants (MP), Asset Owners (AO), ARR zone, and NITS Peak Load prior to and after the load shift for both companies.  Upon completion the load shift template should be emailed to MISO with agreement from all parties. If submitted after the start of the planning year (PY), with an effective date prior to the next PY, action for both the PYs will need to be taken. This will require coordination between MISO FTR and MISO Market Settlements teams.

The template can be used to transfer ARRs at any point during the current or upcoming planning year assuming it happens on the 1st of the month.  How MISO handles the load shift request depends on when the submission takes place.

Scenario 1 – Transferring ARRs Before Registration for an effective date in the next PY

In this example, the load shift template should be filled out and submitted prior to the Annual Registration process, which starts in the beginning of January. This is the simplest of the two scenarios.  ARR Entitlements are moved / reassigned during the the Annual Registration process. The NPLF can also be transferred under a new MP, a new AO, or both.  The MP will have the ability to participate in the upcoming Annual ARR Allocation and Annual FTR Auction as the new MP of the load.

Scenario 2 – Transferring ARRs during the current PY
In this example, the load shift template should be filled out as soon as possible prior to the effective date. When processing the transferring of ARRs during the current PY, all the above steps from scenario 1 apply to this scenario, in addition to the steps listed below (to address the current PY load shift).
  • ARRs - Stage 1 ARRs and Stage 2 ARRs (and the monthly revenue stream) can be transferred to the new MP via MISO Market Settlements.  All relevant details will need to be provided to the MISO Market Settlements team. For some situations, it is possible for no Stage 1 ARRs or Stage 2 ARRs to exist (meaning full allocation and complete self-scheduling in the Annual FTR Auction)
  • FTRsIf FTRs are desired to be transferred to the new MP Secondary Market in the MUI can be utilized. The FTR team can assist with helping the MPs through this process.