Public MISO Mailing Lists
MISO utilizes public mailing lists to share information about upcoming meetings and events, links to related meeting materials, and general information related to MISO markets, operations and planning activities. Public mailing list subscriptions update automatically.
MISO Superlists
To better serve our customers MISO utilizes Superlists to communicate information to a group of public mailing lists at one time thus avoiding duplicate emails to subscribers of more than one mailing list. When you subscribe to any Market, Planning or Reliability focused mailing list you will automatically be subscribed to the corresponding Superlist.
Closed MISO Mailing Lists
MISO utilizes closed mailing lists to share information needed to participate in Closed Committee meetings and events.
To subscribe to a closed mailing list, you need to first verify that you meet the requirements. Please refer to the Access Matrix. Depending upon whether you are a Market Participant, Transmission Owner or Balancing Authority will dictate which Closed Mailing Lists you can join. Your name must be listed on the Appendix A of the Universal Non-Disclosure Agreement (UNDA) and you must have an individual CEII Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) on file with MISO.
Resources and References:
- How to Subscribe to MISO Mailing Lists - Home > Engage > Stakeholder Engagement
- Level 100 - Stakeholder Process Tutorials - Learning Center > Customer Training > Stakeholder Governance (requires Learning Center Access)
- Level 100 - Introduction to Stakeholder Governance - Learning Center > Customer Training > Stakeholder Governance (requires Learning Center Access)