Will Non-Transmission Owners (TOs) have access to the public information?
Non-Confidential information will be available publicly.
Can you be contact for two different entities?
Yes, you will have a drop-down to allow you to submit for both entities.
Are there maxes on the number of people for 1) MTEP read only, 2) MTEP read/write, 3) LSA's, 4) Corporate Management Tool card?
There is no maximum for any of these roles.
How do I remove/update outdated Corporate Address and Contact Management Tool card contacts?
Your organization's Local Security Administrator (LSA) needs to record these changes in the Self-Service LSA application. For more detailed information, reference the SS-LSA guide: Microsoft Word - Self-Service LSA User Guide.docx (
What is SS-LSA?
SS-LSA stands for Self-Service Local Security Administrator Application. In SS-LSA, the Local Security Administrator (LSA) creates and maintains User accounts in the Market Portal for an approved entity. The LSA can assign certain roles Portal Users. For more detailed information, reference the SS-LSA guide: Microsoft Word - Self-Service LSA User Guide.docx (
Will either the MTEP View or MTEP TO Planner roles still require a Trusted Certificate?
Neither MTEP View nor MTEP TO Planner will require a certificate anymore since the new MTEP Platform will no longer be in the Market Portal and will instead be surfaced in the Help Center. MTEP users will need a Help Center Login which does not require a certificate. After the new MTEP Platform goes live in October, the authorized person(s) who are granted access by the LSA to the Corporate Address and Contact Management card who will be managing MTEP contacts for their organization will need a Trusted Certificate due to the Corporate Address and Contact Management Tool being in the Market Portal.
How do I identify who my organization's Local Security Administrator (LSA) is?
You can submit a ticket to the MISO Help Center.
How do we update the Local Security Administrator (LSA)?
MISO has a knowledge article for that KA-01317 (
Is the TO Dashboard accessible to non-Transmission Owners (those with MTEP view access)?
Yes, anyone with access to the MTEP Portal can see the TO Dashboard and the pins with latitude/longitude on the map. These are meant to be general and not precise project locations.
On the new portal will latitude and longitude will be available?
Correct, it is just a general location. You will drag and drop the pin on the map.
If there are new fields in the database that did not have information, will Transmission Owners need to fill this in?
Depending upon the information, MISO will be working with Transmission Owners to make sure that information is updated.
Will the new MTEP portal have a function to download model update file (in idv or python file compatible with PSS/E) associated with each MTEP project? If not, is it possible to add such functionality?
No it is a consideration within MISO that will be looked into at a future time. The New Portal will have a checkbox to acknowledge there will be a model change.
Will the ability to export projects and facilities still be available?
Yes, you can still download projects and facilities.
Is the MOD Project ID a random number generated when a project is uploaded?
The MOD Project ID is randomly generated in MOD, a separate application, and must be manually entered into the MTEP Portal.
If a project is committed to MOD but needs backed out and added with a new ISD a new MOD Project ID is generated does the form needs updated?
Yes, you would need to manually go into the MTEP Portal and update the MOD Project ID. MOD and the MTEP Portal do not automatically share information.
What is the difference between Age and Condition and Asset Management?
An Asset Management Project refers to a project that is covering many pieces of equipment across the footprint of a system. An example of this could be a breaker replacement program that is replacing breakers at many substations, potentially due to multiple factors (age, technology, etc.).
Do GI project have the field for JXXX?
Yes, they do.
Can you submit projects in a group, so the numbers are all in a row?
No, they are created as you create them and if someone else is also creating projects there will be gaps in the numbers.
Can you do multiple pins on the map? For example, if you have multiple substations that are part of a transmission project.
No, they are just for a high-level view, we do not have facility or point-to-point mapping.
Does the map have a transmission layer that is viewable when you are picking a location on the map?
No, the transmission layer would be CEII confidential information.
Cost estimate is a required field, how will that work?
Since it is a required field, you can put any value in it to submit and update when you have the actual numbers. Prior to BOD Approval it will be assumed that these costs could reflect planning level estimates or that scoping is still being determined. Costs may change significantly as the project scope is refined. Once the project is nearing BOD approval, the cost estimate is expected to be an accurate indication of expected project cost.
Will cost estimates type field be in the new system?
The decision was made not to have that field. Prior to BOD approval it will be assumed that these costs could reflect planning level estimates or that scoping is still being determined. Costs may change significantly as the project scope is refined. Once the project is nearing BOD approval, the cost estimate is expected to be an accurate indication of expected project cost.
Will anyone be able to see documents that have been uploaded to a project?
The only people who can see a document uploaded to a project are MISO and anyone with a contact to account relationship for the Submitting TO on the project.
Do TOs have the ability to pull extracts like before with all their projects?
Yes, you will be able to do that by clicking the "Download View" button. You also have the ability to do that with facilities.
Will we put justification documents in the project under "Add Documents"?
Yes, you will put them in the Add Documents.
Are documents that are uploaded private?
The only people who can see a document uploaded to a project are MISO and anyone with a contact to account relationship for the Submitting TO on the project.
Will MISO be updating the Planning Status on projects?
The planning status will always begin in M-1 Proposed. MISO will be updating the status to M2 - Appendix A Approved after BOD Approval. After that, during the quarterly updates, TOs will be updating the planning status to either M3 - Under Construction or M4 - Project in Service. NOTE: TO’s will update the planning status on the related Facility Record(s).
Will only the submitter of a joint project be able to edit the project?
Correct, the project will be owned by one, but you may have multiple facilities that have a different owner rollup into it.
Is there a confidential Project Document Section?
The Add Documents is only viewable by the Submitting TO, so anything confidential can be added as an attachment.
Will there be the ability to add facilities after approval?
No, those still have to be submitted to your MISO Planner.
Can you add facilities without a cost?
You can put $1.00 in the cost field if the project has not yet been scoped.
For a project that is marked Alternative, does MISO consider adding an input for the TO to enter what project it is an alternative to?
Internally MISO will enter that information into the system as these is additional documentation that MISO collects when an alternative is submitted for a project.
When does asset management apply? Is it only for other types?
Yes, asset management projects are only for other types. That is the only time that checkbox will appear.
The current MTEP Portal has all the fields locked once submitted, will the new portal be the same?
The New MTEP Portal is more flexible. MISO will be providing a list of fields that will not be locked down.
Can documents be seen by both parties in a joint project?
No, both parties would not be able to see the documents. The only people who can see a document uploaded to a project are MISO and anyone with a contact to account relationship for the Submitting TO on the project. There can only be one Submitting TO.
Which functions are moving to new portal? Is it just the Transmission Planning (submission) and (viewing)? Or does it include any Model Manager items?
MTEP View and MTEP TO Planner (submit) are the functions that will be available in the new MTEP portal. This does not include any Model Manager items.
Where can I find a list of editable facility fields that can be updated after BOD Approval.
This list is available on the MISO MTEP Webpage.
Where can I find a list of editable project fields that can be updated after BOD Approval.
This list is available on the MISO MTEP Webpage.
Where can I find a list of Facility ISD Change Reasons and Descriptions?
This list is available on the MISO MTEP Webpage.
Can you set default filters in the TO Dashboard?
Since we are using PowerBI, no as everyone would need a license in order to have defaults.
Will the URL for projects be in the download?
Currently no, but that could be added in future iterations if it is feasible from a development standpoint. We will look into it.
When you filter by state, should it span multiple states if a sub is there?
Yes, it does account for the facility states within a project.
Once the board approves a project can we update project name and project description afterward?
Yes, the list of the changeable fields after board approval is located on the MTEP page of the MISO website.
How often do updates to the dashboards refresh?
Every two hours during the working day, so eight times per day.
Will the Import still import if something is off?
It will import those items that are ok, but not the ones that have errors. We will explore a way to trim down the import/export log to make it evident where errors may have occurred.
You can add, edit and withdraw projects. If there is a project or facility you need permanently removed, you will need to contact the MISO Planners as they have the ability to deactivate a record.
On project status, will MISO be updating the M2-Appendix A Approved or will the TO need to do it?
MISO will be handling that update.
On Cost Variance if you have two cost increases will it only show the latest change against the board approved cost?
Correct. It will take the most recent cost increase against the board approved cost.
If you are using the pins to map a line on the map, do you want the middle of the line or the end?
If you could place it in the middle of the line, that would be optimal.
Is there a way to access a log file to see who has made updates, when and what changed?
The log file is not visible. MISO is working to implement viewable log files for each project/facility in the portal for any changes made since Go-Live
(10/ 27/2023).
Will information be confidential?
Yes, certain information will only be confidential and visible only to the account to which it is tied.
Will Transmission Owners have access to the log files in the old system?
MISO will be providing each TO their log files for historical projects and facility logs. MISO is currently working through some readability issues on these files, but once fixed they will be distributed.
Where can I find the video of the workshops?
The videos are located on the MISO website, MTEP page.
Where is the training located for the New Portal?
The training/user guide for MTEP is located in the MISO Learning Center.