1) Login to the MISO Help Center.
Note: If you have never logged into the MISO Help Center and need to create an account, the following Help Center article will give you the step-by-step instructions:  

2) Navigate to My Support and select My Support

3) Select Open a New Case

4) On the Account field, use the drop-down menu to select your Account. 
Note: if no Account is listed, select then reference the steps listed in the following knowledge article.

5) For the Category use the drop-down menu to select DA/RT Market Operations.
6) For Type use the drop-down menu to select Facility Rating Methodology Submittal
7) Enter the Effective Start Date. Enter the Effective End Date, if known. 
Note: When a new Facility Rating Methodology is being submitted for the same Company (Account), the previous Facility Rating Methodology Submittal's Effective Date will be updated to reflect the start date of the new submittal. 
8) Select whether you are relying on MISO to forecast your AARs. Yes or No.
9) A description can be entered to provide any additional details.
10) Select Submit. 

11) To attach the Ratings Methodology to case. Select Add files

12) Select Choose Files to select the methodology from your desktop. 
13) Select Add files. 
Note: If a file is not attached our case, after 2 days, the case will automatically resolve, and the Facility Ratings Methodology will NOT be updated. Users can add files to their case from time of the case submittal to the 10th day. After the case is resolved with no file attached, a new case must be created.

* Revised or new Facility Ratings Methodologies must be submitted in a new case.