FERC Order 881 requires Transmission Owners (TOs) to calculate Transmission facility Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AARs), which are anticipated to increase the capacity of Transmission facilities. MISO as the Transmission Provider is required to obtain and use the facility AARs in real-time operations, real-time and near-term markets and transmission service. For MISO's Transmision Owners to calculate AARs, observed and forecasted hourly temperature, sunrise and sunset times are needed as the required ambient conditions. To satisfy FERC Order 881 requirements, the WII will include weather station real-time temperature, time of day and sunrise and sunset time data. All forecasts will be at an hourly cadence the time of the forecast, updated hourly and extend to 240 hourly forecast (10 days). In the absence of an update, the latest available forecast will remain until an update is received.
Frequently Asked Questions
Wil the WII API be free?
There will be no costs to TOs as this will be provided as a value proposition at no additional cost.
When will new weather data be available in the WII?
New weather data will be available at approximately 25 and 55 minutes past the hour.
Do you have to use a user account, or can you use a service account to access the data?
You can use either as long as you have a certificate from your company in SSLSA and that account has the WII role assigned to it in SSLSA.
Who do I contact for questions or support during testing?
Getting Started
Requirements for Access to Production
1) MISO has been made aware of your interest and you have communicated your weather stations with them.
2) Legal disclaimer has been signed by your company.
3) A MISO Market Portal User Account
4) Provisioned access to Production, provided by your Local Security Administrator (LSA) in the Production Self-Service LSA tool (SSLSA). https://cce.midwestiso.org/sslsa-ui/
Requirements for Access to CCE (Test) WII API for those who have already opted in.
1) A CCE MISO Market Portal Account.
2) Provisioned access to CCE, provided by your Local Security Administrator (LSA) in the CCE Self-Service LSA tool (SSLSA). https://cce.midwestiso.org/sslsa-ui/
If you have not already opted in, contact Brett Edwards, Senior Analyst Meteorological Risk. Please provide a map of your service areas to assist in the mapping of weather stations.
Access Test API
CCE Test Environment: https://cce.midwestiso.org/wii/api/v1/Weather
Schema for API
API User Guide
Workshop Presentation
Workshop Recording
https://cdn.misoenergy.org/20240701 WII Training Recording637334.mp4