   The following chart represents the Pseudo-tie Implementation Process.   
NotificationResponsible PartyDue Date
Market Participant sends notification to:              and external Balancing Authority indicating intent to Pseudo-tie or change a Pseudo-tie. Market Participant also submits a Dynamic Transfer request through MISO’s Help Center.
Market ParticipantMISO – 1 Year prior to activation                        
Note: Non-MISO entities require notification beyond 1 year.
MISO responds to Market Participant with proposed Pseudo-tie activation scheduleMISO1 month after notification
Pre-AssessmentResponsible PartyDue Date
Confirm M2M and Non-M2M processes (Interchange Distribution Calculation) support Pseudo-tie.Reliability Coordinators, MISO Seams Administration1 month after notification
Agree on plan and timeline for running Flowgate tests and performing benchmarking – subject to the Market-to-Market and Non-Market accuracy criteria in Section 8 – Congestion Management of this BPM.Reliability Coordinators, MISO Seams Administration1 month after notification
Determines needed operational procedures and studies.MISO Reliability Coordinator1 month after notification
MISO determines required studies and whether Market Participant needs to submit transmission service request on MISO OASIS.MISO Transmission Provider1 month after notification
Develops reimbursement agreement if Local Balancing Authority / Transmission Operator needs to allocate any costs associated with Pseudo-tie implementation in accordance with the Transmission Customer Obligations section of the MISO Tariff.Local Balancing Authority / Transmission Operator2 months after notification
Provides MISO evidence of agreement with MISO Local Balancing Authority to install necessary measurements to capture Pseudo-tie flows in accordance with MISO tie-line measurement requirements outlined in the following: Balance Authority Agreement Section 4.5, RTO-SPEC-005, RTO-SPEC-006, NERC BAL-005, MISO BPM 005 – Market Settlement, MISO BPM-010 – Network and Commercial Models - Existing Balancing Authority Tie-LineMarket ParticipantTBD based on Local Balancing Authority measurement lead- time
Agrees to provide MISO primary tie-line MW and MWH measurements. BA Agreement Section 4.5, MISO BPM-010 – Network and Commercial Models – Existing BA Tie-Line RequirementsLocal Balancing Authority3 months after notification
Agrees to provide MISO secondary tie-line MW measurement.                                                                BA Agreement Section 4.5, MISO BPM-010 - Network and Commercial Models - Existing BA Tie-Line RequirementsExternal Balancing Authority3 months after notification
Transmission Service EvaluationResponsible PartyDue Date
New Pseudo-tie requests require Long-Term Firm Transmission Service to be maintained for the entire duration of Pseudo-tie from the Generator to the sink Balancing Authority or from the source Balancing Authority to the Load.Transmission CustomerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
Any Transmission Service Reservation (TSR – new, existing, or redirected) used for a new Pseudo-tie must include evaluation from source to sink.Transmission CustomerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
Redirection of TSR used for Pseudo-tie not allowed for period Pseudo-tie remains in effect.Transmission CustomerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
TSR used for Pseudo-tie source and sink representation must match EMS model source and sink representation. Request must be unit-specific into or out of MISO.Transmission CustomerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
MISO conducts System Impact Study and identifies constraints in MISO system. For identified constraints, MISO Transmission Provider will perform the required facility study to estimate the cost/schedule to upgrade the transmission element. MISO will notify external Transmission Provider of constraints found on external Transmission Provider system.MISO Transmission ProvidersTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
External Transmission Provider conducts System Impact Study and identifies constraints in external Transmission Provider system. For identified constraints, external Transmission Provider will perform the required facility study to estimate the cost/schedule to upgrade the transmission element. External Transmission Provider will notify MISO or MISO Transmission Planner of constraints found on MISO’s system.External Transmission ProviderTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
MISO will perform additional studies using criteria or assumptions required by the external BA market rules (deliverability analysis / contingency list / Flowgates). Transmission Customer pays for initial study and associated upgrades.MISO Transmission PlannerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
Transmission Customer agrees to have identified upgrades in-place and in-service prior to Pseudo-tie activation.Transmission CustomerTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
If a Grandfathered Agreement (GFA) is being used and turned into a TSR, the Market Participant is required to confirm all parties to the GFA are aware of the request and approve it.Market ParticipantTo be determined as part of Project Timeline
Conditional ApprovalResponsible PartyDue Date
Sign and send Pseudo-tie Agreement documents to:
Market ParticipantAgreed upon Conditional Approval deadline
Distribute legal documents to Balancing Authorities, source Transmission Operator, sink Transmission Operator, Market Participant, and Reliability Coordinators.MISO/RTOAgreed upon Conditional Approval deadline
Parties agree to proceed with Pseudo-tie implementation (native BA/RC, attaining BA/RC, source TOP, sink TOP, Market Participant).AllAgreed upon Conditional Approval deadline
RegistrationResponsible PartyDue Date
Entity submits new Pseudo-tie request for inclusion in MISO’s Commercial Model via MP application (new Applicants only). In addition, entity submits a Model Change Request (MCR) in the MISO Model Manager tool. Send documentation to Once MISO Model Manager is designated the tool of record, utilize MCR to submit the information to MISO. Market ParticipantMISO Public Website
Markets and Operations Network and Commercial Model Schedule
Register according to the guidelines of the external Balancing Authority.Market ParticipantExternal Balancing Authority Timeline
ImplementationResponsible PartyDue Date
Review requested Pseudo-tie and parameters. Confirm parameters with external Balancing Authority and external Reliability Coordinator.MISO ModelingMISO Public Website
Markets and Operations Network and Commercial Model Schedule
Identify and finalize Market-to-Market Reciprocally Coordinated Flowgates. Work with external Reliability Coordinator to benchmark shift- factors.MISO Seams Administration2 model updates prior to activation
Confirm TSR source and sink are consistent with both Reliability Coordinators’ Network Model company representations.MISO Generation & Interchange, Modeling2 months prior to network model update with model containing Pseudo-tie
Add Pseudo-tie to MISO Models (Markets, Reliability, and Planning)MISO ModelingMISO Public Website
Markets and Operations Network and Commercial Model Schedule
Review and confirm Commercial Model posted on MISO market portal.Market ParticipantBy requested confirmation deadline.
Confirm measurements fulfill Local Balancing Authority obligations and measurements are configured, tested, and ready for activation. Once MISO Model Manager is designated system of record, all telemetry updates must be submitted via this path.Local Balancing AuthorityNo earlier than 60 days prior to effective date
Register Pseudo-tie with NAESB webRegistry.Market ParticipantNo earlier than 60 days prior to effective date
Review/Approve Pseudo-tie with NAESB webRegistry.MISO Generation & Interchange, ModelingWithin ten (10) days of received submission.
Release Commercial Model to Production.MISO Commercial Modeling7 – 10 days prior to Topology effective date
Create Financial Contract in DART for scheduling and reporting real-time actual flow.MISO Market Settlements7 – 10 days prior to Topology effective date
ActivationResponsible PartyDue Date
If needed, attaining Balancing Authority hosts conference call with Market Participant to support cutover.Attaining Balancing AuthorityCutover
Retirement/ChangeResponsible PartyDue Date
Changes subject to Pseudo-tie notification and Pseudo-tie registration requirements.Market ParticipantMISO Public Website
Markets and Operations Network and Commercial Model Schedule
Retirements subject to Attachment Y notification requirements in accordance with Section 38.2.7 Generation Suspension, Generation Retirement, and System Support Resources of the MISO Tariff. Generator OwnerSee Generation Suspension, Generation Retirement, and System Support Resources section of the MISO Tariff
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