
The monthly charges for Sch. 26D and Sch. 26E are derived by multiplying the monthly flat charge by the MWh usage in the zone divided by the MWh total in the zone.    There is a chance that those monthly charges could be revised in January and June, depending on the constructing Transmission Owner’s Annual Update Cycle timing.

Cost Recovery for Targeted Market Efficiency Projects constructed by PJM Transmission Owners
The Schedule 26D charge is described in Section IV.C of Schedule 26D and reads in part: “MISO will calculate each MISO Customer's monthly charge by allocating the monthly revenue requirement by MISO Zone to each customer within the MISO Zone taking NITS and/or Point-To-Point Transmission Service. The allocations of the monthly revenue requirement will be based on each customer's monthly pro-rata share of the total monthly load for the MISO Zone. The monthly loads will be comprised of (i) the NITS loads and (ii) any Point-To-Point load for any reservation on OASIS used to serve load in that MISO Zone. The NITS load will be equal to the Network Customer’s Monthly Network Load as determined in accordance with Module B, Section 34.2 of this Tariff multiplied by the number of hours in the month. The Point-To-Point load will be equal to the Reserved Capacity for the Point-To-Point Transmission Services reservation multiplied by the duration, in hours, of the reservation within the month.”  Therefore, the charge is basically a flat monthly charge but will be slightly different each month, depending on the MWs of the customer and the zone.

Cost Recovery for Interregional Market Efficiency Projects constructed by MISO Transmission Owners
The Schedule 26E charge is described in Section IV.C of Schedule 26E and reads in part:  MISO will calculate each MISO Customer's monthly charge by allocating the monthly revenue requirement by MISO Zone to each customer within the MISO Zone taking NITS and/or Point-To-Point Transmission Service. The allocations of the monthly revenue requirement will be based on each customer's monthly pro[1]rata share of the total monthly load for the MISO Zone. The monthly loads will be comprised of (i) the NITS loads and (ii) any Point-To-Point load for any reservation on OASIS used to serve load in that MISO Zone. The NITS load will be equal to the Network Customer’s Monthly Network Load as determined in accordance with Module B, Section 34.2 of this Tariff multiplied by the number of hours in the month. The Point-To-Point load will be equal to the Reserved Capacity for the Point-To-Point Transmission Services reservation multiplied by the duration, in hours, of the reservation within the month”.  Therefore, the charge is basically a flat monthly charge but will be slightly different each month, depending on the MWs of the customer and the zone.