MISO serves as a transparent and neutral facilitator for the transmission service planning, resulting in fair and open access to the region's transmission system. Market participants and transmission customers may initiate long-term firm transmission service (one year or longer) through MISO's OASIS. Our Operations Planning Group reviews all long-term firm transmission service requests and notifies customers about their preliminary disposition.
Module B of the MISO Tariff provides primary terms and conditions for the scheduling rights (SR). This and other Tariff attachments and schedules, as well as related business practices manuals (BPMs), guide MISO's process for analyzing, approving and rejecting transmission service requests. Review the frequently asked questions below for additional details about MISO's long-term transmission service request process.
Facility Impact Assessment
When can we expect the Facility Study Agreement?
After the System Impact Study report is posted, MISO will e-mail a Facility Study Agreement within 30 days,
How long does the transmission customer have to sign the Facility Study Agreement?
A customer has 15 days to execute the Facility Study Agreement and send the $100,000 study deposit.
What happens if the customer fails to execute the Facility Study Agreement within 15 days?
MISO will refuse the transmission service request on OASIS.
Are there any exceptions to the 15-day rule if the customer provides documentation explaining the delay?
No. According to Attachment J, MISO will be in violation of the Tariff if it accepts an agreement after 15 days.
Is any part of the Facility Study deposit refundable?
Yes. MISO only charges a customer for the actual cost of the study. MISO will return any remaining balance after completing and closing the Facility Study.
What is the customer's responsibility if there are no constraints and MISO agrees to accept the service?
The customer needs to submit spec sheets within 15 days after MISO's request on OASIS.
What happens if the customer does not submit spec sheets within 15 days?
MISO will automatically retract the request from OASIS.
Is the customer responsible for paying Schedule 7 charges for point-to-point transmission service as well as, the direct assigned transmission upgrade cost?
MISO has "and' pricing; therefore, customers must pay both charges in addition to other charges depending upon the transmission service.
MISO has "and' pricing; therefore, customers must pay both charges in addition to other charges depending upon the transmission service. If we submit a drive out point-to-point transmission service request and submit a corresponding service request on a neighboring transmission provider's OASIS, are we required to sign the spec sheet within 15-days - even if we don't have the other transmission provider's study results?
Yes, with the exception of PJM. If the point-to-receipt or point-of-delivery is PJM, then MISO requests that the customer notify us when PJM's results are available. Once the customer notifies MISO, we will require the customer to submit two copies of the spec sheets within 15 days.
Can the customer submit eDNR for network integration transmission service after the transmission service is confirmed?
No. The customer is required to submit the eDNR form along with the spec sheets before MISO can grant service on OASIS.
Do we have to submit a five-year require to be eligible for rollover rights?
According to FERC Order 890, in order to be considered for rollover rights, the transmission customer must submit a transmission service request with at least a five-year term and give a one-year notice for renewal. Please check the posting on OASIS for more details.
Can we submit a rollover request for a redirect request?
Yes. The rollover right needs to be transferred to the redirected TSR at the time of submission.
Can MISO provide conditional firm service based on its tariff?
No. MISO does not provide conditional firm service.
What happens after the study results are posted to OASIS?
If the results indicate an acceptable transmission service request without requiring transmission specification upgrades, the customer must submit two copies of the transmission specification sheets within 15 days of MISO's request. If the results indicate there are overloads that need to be fixed before service can be granted, the transmission customer is offered a Facility Study Agreement.
Where do I request transmission service?
Transmission Service customers need to make all requests using OASIS.
Do I need to get full access to OASIS to make requests?
Yes. Transmission customers and Market Participants may register to request transmission service on OASIS. Visit the new user creation page to gain access.
What schedules are located in OASIS?
Ancillary Service Pricing - The "ANC_SERV_1_PRICING" tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet provides rates for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service.
Point-to-Point Transmission Service Rates
MISO used to produce an AFC/ASFTC Flowgate report that allowed the TSR submitter to get more details on the flowgates impacted by a specific TSR than what is posted in the comments section. Does MISO/OATI still provide this report, if so, where would I find it?
Information sought can be found in webTrans on the FG/Path Summary page; Outside of the Comments sections in the TSR Detail page of webTrans, further flowgate information (for all flowgates) can be found by navigating to OASIS> ATC> FG/Path Summary. From there, find the appropriate horizon and calculation type and click the report hyperlink. A listing of all flowgates and their AFC/ASTFC values for that particular horizon should appear in a pop-out window.
System Impact Study
How do I know if I need a System Impact Study for the transmission service?
After you request long-term firm transmission service on OASIS, MISO will notify you via comments on OASIS.
What is the study deposit for a System Impact Study?
The study deposit is $20,000.
Is the deposit refundable?
MISO only charges for the cost of the study; therefore, any remaining balance after the study is completed, cancelled or withdrawn is returned to the customer.
When can I expect to receive the System Impact Study Agreement?
MISO will send a System Impact Study Agreement within 30 days after receiving the transmission service request on OASIS.
How long does it take for MISO to finish the System Impact Study?
MISO must finish the System Impact Study within 60 days.
Tariff/Tariff Attachments
Attachment A
Attachment A-1: Transmission Specification Sheets for Long Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service. These are also sometimes referred to as spec sheets.
Attachment D: Comprises the methodology for completing a System Impact Study.
Attachment D-1: The System Impact Study Agreement.
Attachment D-2: The Facilities Study Agreement.
Attachment F: Service Agreement for Network Integration Transmission Service. Transmission Specification Sheets for Network Integration Transmission Service.
Attachment G: The Network Operating Agreement for Network Integration Transmission Service.
Attachment J: Describes the timelines for processing Transmission Service requests for Transmission Providers and Transmission Customers.