Retail and Wholesale Load switching between LSEs can be tracked through the MECT after the
start of each season within the new Planning Year. As a result of load switching, the
seasonal PRMR of the LSEs involved in the load switching will change. Switching of seasonal
Retail load will not change an Electric Distribution Company’s (EDC) total area seasonal PRMR.
Similarly, wholesale seasonal load transaction will not change the total MISO seasonal PRMR.
The Retail Choice screen allows an Electric Distribution Company (EDC) to enter and view retail choice switching information.

Market Participants with demand in areas subject to retail choice are required to provide the name of the EDC and the CPNode names associated with the LSEs within the EDC area at the time of registration. The CPNode to EDC mapping information is important for determining LSEs’ retail load switching method.



1) Navigate to Post Auction Activities in the header menu.
2) Select Retail Choice Load Switching.


3) From the drop-down select Auction.
4) Enter desired Operation Date.
5) Check the PLC for Operation Date value.
6) Submit if complete. Cancel to go back without making any changes.

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