
From the Market Portal homepage, click Launch MECT View/Submit from the Module E Capacity Tracking (MECT) box. 

1. Navigate to Planning Resources in the header menu.
2. Select Registrations.

3. Select Add EE.

4. Enter the Name of the EE.
5. Use the dropdown to select Asset Owner.
6. Use the dropdown to select Local Balance Authority (LBA).
7. Enter Description.
8. Check box if Resource is Retail Choice


9. Add Document. 

10. Select Status Option.
11. Click checkbox to exclude from season. 
12. Use drop-down to select Program Inception Auction.
13. Enter Program Name

14. Enter Energy Efficiency Capability at Peak in MW. 
15. You will enter information for each season by repeating steps 11-14. 
16. Check acceptance statement boxes.


17. Submit if registration is complete. Save Draft if you need to finish later. Cancel to go back to the Registration Screen without making any changes.