                                                    MISO PowerGADS FAQ

What is not changing with MISO PowerGADS with the implementation of RAN Seasonal Construct and Availability?

You will be required to submit Event and Performance data on a calendar quarterly basis and perform and submit an annual Net Capacity Verification Test (GVTC).  You can enter GVTC directly into MISO PowerGADS or use the GADS Template Generator Test Card 90 .csv template.

What is changing with MISO PowerGADS with the implementation of RAN Seasonal Construct and Availability?  

While you will continue to conduct just one Net Capacity Verification test, you will be required to correct it to the four seasonal peaks instead of just the summer peak.

Seasonal Rated Dry Bulb Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Cooling Water Temperature will be entered based on historical MISO Seasonal Coincident Peaks.  The Observed test data will be corrected to these seasonal rated conditions.

The new MISO PowerGADS seasonal Net Capacity Verification Data screen is pictured below:

MISO PowerGADS will also calculate a seasonal equivalent forced outage rate demand excluding events outside of management control (XEFORd).   Seasonal XEFORd is the XEFORd for the 3 seasonal months for the 3 years ending August 31 prior to the start of the Planning Year.  For example, the Spring Seasonal XEFORd for 2025 is calculated using the unit’s GADS data for the 9 months March, April, and May for the years 2022 through 2024.

Do I have to run seasonal GVTC tests?  
No, you still just run this test once a year and correct it for the four seasons.

If seasonal corrected GVTC values end up higher than the actual operating limits of the unit, how should this be handled?
If you see the corrected value is going to be higher than what your unit can produce, you should cap it at what your unit can produce.

If a unit uses a different fuel in winter than in other seasons, which GVTC value should we submit?
You should make an adjustment for the season that is different from the test. 

My company ran a different GVTC test for winter, can we submit this?
PowerGADs can only accept one GVTC test, so you will just have to adjust for winter.

To renew an Intermittent Load Modifying Resource (LMR) Behind-the-Meter Generator we upload the template. There are four seasons but only one GVTC section, which GVTC should we put there? 
You will upload the same document four times, one for each season. 

We used the GADS Seasonal Generator Test Card 90. Do we need to use the new one or can we use the old one?
Use the new corrected test card because it has seasons for the various components. 

Is historical verification data still available?
Yes, you can access it in MISO PowerGADS through Historical Verification.

What if I have already submitted my 2023 Net Capacity Verification test in the annual, summer corrected format?
The test data will be partially available in the new release.  A Net Capacity Verification Data record with the Net Test Capacity and Observed Dry Bulb Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Cooling Water Temperature values will exist.  Rated Dry Bulb Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Cooling Water Temperature values and MW Corrections will be missing.  You can edit the data and add the seasonal values and MW corrections.

Will any new reports be available, as we move to the seasonal construct?
Yes, there is a new Seasonal XEFORd report available.  You can also still run the Generator Outage Rate Program (GORP) report.