

Electric Storage Resource (ESR) is a resource capable of receiving Energy from the Transmission System and storing it for later injection of Energy back into the Transmission System. This definition includes all technologies and/or storage mediums, including but not limited to, batteries, flywheels, compressed air, and pumped-hydro. The location of an ESR may be at any point of grid interconnection, on either the Transmission System or a local distribution system, but must not be outside the Transmission Provider Region. An ESR must: (1) be capable of injecting and withdrawing a minimum of 0.1MW; (2) be capable of complying with the Transmission Provider’s Setpoint Instructions; (3) have the appropriate metering equipment installed; and (4) be physically located within the MISO Balancing Authority Area. The State of Charge shall be managed by the Market Participant operating the ESR. An ESR shall also be deemed a Generator based on and in contexts relevant to, its capability to inject Energy back into the Transmission System.


Electric Storage Resource (ESR) - Getting Started

ESR Overview

•    Electric Storage Resource FAQ: Frequently asked questions on ESRs, including an overview of the product, implementation and how resources can participate.

•    ESR Registration is now open.  
•    ESR - Registration: Details on how to register an ESR.  

Available Training
The following modules on the Customer Learning Center have been updated to include ESR:

Level 100 Energy & Operating Reserves
Level 200 Energy & Operating Reserves
Level 200 Energy & Operating Reserves Pricing
Level 100 Market Settlements
Level 100 Network & Commercial Model
Level 200 Network & Commercial Model
Level 200 Resource Adequacy
Level 100 Market Participation & Asset Registration

For first time access to the Customer Learning Center, please refer to the Customer Training Access Tutorial.
ESR Workshops are under development.  Notification will be sent as soon as they have been added to the MISO Calendar.

•    For training-related questions or to provide feedback on the need for additional ESR-related training or workshops:
     Contact External Training
•    ESR-specific questions: Contact