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Below is a summary of steps required for a resource to be able ot participate in an upcoming PRA.

  1. The resource must already be in the commercial model and have a CP Node assigned.
  2. The MP should work with Resource Adequacy Operations to get the unit set up in the MECT, RA will receive notification from Resource Integration once the unit has achieved commercial operation and the amount and type of interconnection service that was granted.
  3. Oct 31 - GVTC data submitted to MISO PowerGADS,
    1. If an intermittent resource, fill out the intermittent template found on the RA webpage and upload it to the MECT.
    2. New Solar resources need not submit an intermittent resource template for the first year they are registering. 
      1. Solar units receive an automatic 50% of nameplate capacity credit. 
    3. There are no GVTC test requirements for intermittent units.
  4. Nov 5 - Last day to seek an GVTC extension
  5. Dec 15 - Go into MECT and review the resource’s UCAP.  Confirm if correct.  NRIS UCAP is the amount you can convert into ZRCs.
  6. If any ERIS UCAP, you need to request and Confirm NITS SRs or PTP TSRs in OASIS in order to convert the ERIS UCAP into ZRCs.
  7. Feb 15 - ICAP Deferral deadline. If unable to test because the resource is not yet online, this is the last day to seek ICAP Deferral.  An ICAP Deferral form letter is available in BPM-011.
    1. If the unit is not expected to be online by 2/15, but will be prior to 5/31, they can use the ICAP deferral process to participate in the PRA.
  8. UCAP confirmation deadline occurs in early March from year to year.
  9. Convert deliverable UCAP (NRIS UCAP or ERIS UCAP + Firm Transmission) into ZRCs before offer window opens.
  10. Last 4 business day in March is the PRA offer window in MECT.
  11. May - if you utilized ICAP deferral, need to provide the test. 
    1. If testing comes up short, then replace ZRCS and or accept/pay penalties
Published Date: Jul 1, 2024
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