
MISO Model Manager (MMM)  

The MISO Model Manager is used to submit and maintain the power system modeling data utilized in MISO's real-time and market operation applications. It includes the Siemens Smart Grid Engineering Manager application configured for MISO's needs.

Accessing MISO Model Manager

MMM access is provisioned by designated Local Security Administrators.

Model Manager Users:

  1. Determine the MMM Role(s) Needed. MMM accommodates multiple access roles depending on the type of company/entity. Use the MMM Roles and Permissions table to determine applicable roles(s). 
  2. Contact your Local Security Administrator to request access.

Local Security Administrators:

Follow the steps below to provision access to MMM for existing Market Portal Users. To set up a new Market Portal User, follow the steps outlined in the Self-Service LSA User Guide.  Per MISO’s LSA Policy, the registered LSA is responsible for the creation and maintenance of Portal User accounts which access MISO’s Market Systems. Additionally, the LSA is responsible for ensuring that any Portal User who accesses a MISO system which has been identified as providing Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) has a signed CEII Non-Disclosure Agreement, and is included on the entity’s Universal Non-Disclosure Agreement (UNDA) Appendix A in the appropriate function. Should you have any questions on Non-Disclosure Agreements, contact Client Services & Readiness via the MISO Help Portal.

  1. Log into the Self-Service LSA tool via the Market Portal using your LSA certificate
  2. Select the User
  3. Select the appropriate MMM user role(s) from the list of available roles. Note: If the Model Manager (View) role is selected, no other roles may be selected. See the Role Mutual Exclusion Limitation by Company Entity
  4. Click the arrow to "Assign Roles"
  5. Once access is provisioned in SSLSA, the link to the download the MMM will be sent to the user via email.

Important Notes:

  • Access is provisioned at the parent company/entity level. Provisioning access enables the user to access modeling information for ALL assets and asset owners managed by the parent company/entity
  • NEVER provision a Market Participant (MP) role to a Transmission Owner (TO) user, a Local Balancing Authority (LBA) user, or a Reliability Coordinator (RC) user
  • NEVER provision the Transmission Owner (TO), Local Balancing Authority (LBA), or Reliability Coordinator (RC) roles to a Market Participant user
  • "(Submit)" roles allow the user to update ALL assets owned or operated by the parent company/entity (within the scope of their assigned role)(Submit) user roles allow the user to update only the corresponding data types. Example: Assign the Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) role to users who need to provide SCADA and ICCP data. Assign the Model Manager TO (Submit) role to network modelers
  • Users may have multiple roles such as "Model Manager Local Balancing Authority (Submit)," "Model Manager Telemetry (Submit)" AND "Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit)"
  • If the "Model Manger (View)" role is selected, no other roles may be selected

MMM Roles and Permissions Table

Role Name

Role Description

Company Role Template Alignment

Model Manager (View)View access for Model Manager (SGEM).  This role implicitly allows a user to view data in their company's view profile scope.All External Companies
Model Manager Generation Owner (Submit)Generation Owner (GO) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a GO. View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default.  MP Certified

Model Manager Local Balancing Authority (Submit)Local Balancing Authority (LBA) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a LBA.  View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default.NMP-B Certified
Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit)Load Serving Entity (LSE) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a LSE.  View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default. NMP-E Certified
NMP-T Certified
NMP-B Certified
MP Certified
Model Manager Market Participant (Submit)Market Participant (MP) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a MP.   View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default. MP Certified
Model Manager Reliability Coordinator (Submit)Reliability Coordinator (RC) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a RC.   View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default. NMP-R
Model Manager Telemetry (Submit)Telemetry modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to telemetry.  View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default. NMP-E Certified
NMP-R Certified
NMP-T Certified
NMP-B Certified
MP Certified
Model Manager Transmission Owner (Submit)Transmission Owner (TO) modeling access.  Allows model updates to all aspects relevant to a TO.  View access for data in the user's company view profile is included by default. NMP-T Certified
NMP-B Certified


Role Mutual Exclusion Limitation by Company Entity Type

Market Participant (MP)

Model Manager (View) OR

One or more of the following: 

  • Model Manager Generation Owner (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Market Participant (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) 
Load Balancing Authority (LBA) Model Manager (View) OR

One or more of the following:

  • Model Manager Generation Owner (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Local Balancing Authority (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Transmission Owner (Submit) 
Electric Distribution Company (EDC) Model Manager (View) OR

One or more of the following:

  • Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit)
Reliability Coordinator (RC)Model Manager (View)OR 

One or more of the following:

  • Model Manager Reliability Coordinator (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) 
Transmission Owner (TO) Model Manager (View) OR

One or more of the following:

  • Model Manager Generation Owner (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) Model
  • Manager Transmission Owner (Submit) 
Generation Owner (GO) Model Manager (View) OR

One or more of the following:

  • Model Manager Generation Owner (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Load Forecast (Submit) 
  • Model Manager Telemetry (Submit) 


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