
If a Market Participant did not commit a Load Modifying Resource (LMR) in the Planning Resource Auction (PRA), then the LMR should not be displayed in the Demand Side Resource Interface (DSRI) tool, since the default data that the DSRI uses is provided by the Module E Capacity Tracking (MECT) tool.  If the LMR was partially cleared, then MISO will grant an opportunity for MPs to adjust their monthly MW values to account for the cleared LMR (Zonal Resource Credits) ZRCs.  Monthly MW values can be adjusted in the MECT tool before the month begins, and hourly MW values can be adjusted in the DSRI within 6 days of the Operating Day.

LMR Availability Data (both MWs Available for MISO and Self-Scheduled MWs) is used for LMR Scheduling Instructions (dispatch directives), performance assessments and availability reviews.  

BPM-011 Resource Adequacy