
A Market Participant for a Generation Resource required to submit GVTC results must use Reasonable Efforts to submit GVTC by October 31 prior to the upcoming Planning Year. Module E-1 of the MISO Tariff allows until 5 business days after October 31 to submit your request for an extension.

The extension request must include a reasonable explanation and justification for missing the deadline and an expected completion date prior to the upcoming Planning Year. MISO will review each extension request on a case by case basis to determine whether to approve or deny the request to extend the GVTC deadline. Denial of an extension will not preclude the Market Participant for the Generation Resource from utilizing the ICAP Deferral process as described in Section 69A.7.9.

If your extension request is not approved, or if you simply decide to utilize the ICAP Deferral process, you’ll need a written notice by an officer of your company no later than February 15, and you must satisfy credit requirements by March 1.